Transmission Line Parameters:
- The performance of the transmission line depends on the line parameters
- There are four transmission line parameters.
- Resistance (R)
- Inductance (L)
- Capacitance (C)
- Conductance (G)
- Resistance:
- Each conductor of the transmission line has a certain length and diameter
- When the current is flowing through the conductor, it must have a resistance per unit length
- It is denoted as 'R' and measured in 'Ohms/unit length'
- Inductance:
- When the current flows through the conductor, magnetic flux is produced around the conductor
- When the current changes, the magnetic flux also varies due to which emf induces in it.
- EMF produced in the line resists the current flow and denoted as Inductance (L)
- It is measured in Henries/unit length
- Capacitance:
- In the transmission line, air acts a dielectric between the conductors.
- It produces the capacitive effect
- It is denoted as 'C' and measured in Farads/unit length
- Conductance:
- Due to the imperfections of the dielectric material, there is a leakage current in the dielectric medium.
- This gives a rise in the leakage conductance
- It is denoted as 'G' and measured in terms of 'mhos/unit length'
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