Half-wave Dipole Antenna - Derivation of Radiated Fields & Its Characteristics

Half-wave Dipole Antenna:

  • Halfwave dipole antenna has a physical length of (lamda/2).
  • It is the simple antenna and very useful in designing more complex directional antenna array system
In this lecture notes, the following topics are covered:
  • Definition
  • Uses
  • Analysis of Radiated Fields
    • Magnetic Vector Potential
    • Magnetic Field Intensity
    • Electric Field Intensity
  • Derivation of Characteristics:
    • Power Radiated and Average Power
    • Directivity
    • Radiation Resistance
    • Effective Aperture
    • Radiation Pattern

Youtube Video for this lecture is available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnRt4yRdXLA
